Challenge question
What are the financial, social and environmental burdens associated with illegal dumping? What factors influence the prevalence of illegal dumping and how can the City mitigate these factors?
Educational partner
Community and Environment
Dimitri Stathopoulos
City branch
Community Services - Operations
Student Solutions
Community and the Environment
Students worked throughout the semester on the issue of illegal dumping in Oshawa. Looking at the factors that contribute to illegal dumping and the financial, social and environmental burdens associated, students presented the following to staff:
Targeted education campaigns to residents depending on area and waste related issues
The need for Data collection in regards to the type of illegal dumping, the location of illegal dumping, quantity and the cost to the city to respond to illegal dumping issues which can be used as a deterrent
Commodification of waste to help reduce, reuse, repair to promote circular economy of household items
Goods exchange events to allow the community to share unwanted large items
Repair Cafes and Reuse Centres as creative spaces where residents can repair/reuse others household waste items
Streamline community clean-up efforts and make more accessible
Advocate for tenants of multi-residential dwellings to provide equitable access to large item waste removal