Challenge question

  • How might the city continue to address poverty and food insecurity in Oshawa after the COVID-19 pandemic eases?

City branches

  • Innovation and Transformation, and Recreation and Culture Services

Student ideas

  • Stronger Together Oshawa (view video)

    • As a solution to address ongoing food insecurity in Oshawa due to repeated job loss, lack of support for food emergency distribution centers and the onset of COVID-19, this group recommended an incentive program and a newsletter which would operate as a partnership between the City of Oshawa, Feed the Need in Durham, and local grocery stores.

  • Measuring Success in the Unsheltered Population (video video)

    • In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Oshawa made rapid changes to aid the vulnerable unsheltered population. However, these initiatives, programs and stakeholders work in silos. To address this challenge, this group recommended the formation of an advisory committee with representation from citizens, the downtown Oshawa BIA, council, and community partners to work together to develop joint research goals and identify methods of data collection to support these goals and outcomes.  

  • Oshawa’s Poverty Reduction Roundtable: Stakeholder Engagement (view presentation)

    • The COVID-19 pandemic has had negative impact on poverty and unemployment rates in Oshawa. Creation of an Oshawa Poverty Reduction Roundtable that is made-up of residents that will lead on-the-ground research and awareness campaigns that will inform the City of Oshawa’s poverty reduction initiatives and the Durham Regional Poverty Reduction Plan Roundtable.