Community-based experiential learning opportunities for students
Challenge question
How might the city help to alleviate or help address isolation among seniors and other vulnerable people after the COVID-19 pandemic eases?
City branches
Innovation and Transformation, and OSCC 55+
Student ideas
Domestic Abuse in the City of Oshawa: An Analysis of the Consequences of COVID-19 on Domestic Violence Victims and Possible Solutions
Three solutions that the City of Oshawa could implement to assist victims of Domestic Violence are: Multimedia awareness, giving voices to victims of domestic violence, and education on positive coping strategies; each has a purpose of not only educating the general public on the prevalence of this issue, but also building a safer community.
Supporting Seniors
To reduce the effects of seniors’ social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, this group proposed that the City of Oshawa create content such as television ads, brochures to bring further awareness to senior citizens about the beneficial programs/services available to them.
Violence Against Women
Creation of an awareness campaign to address domestic violence against women.